2024 SASSA Status Pending Duration: What To Expect And How To Check?

If you applied for SASSA grants and your SASSA status is pending, there’s no need to worry. SASSA processes thousands of SRD Grant applications, each requiring verification and processing.

What if your SASSA status has not been approved yet, but you applied and the application took longer than you expected? This article will explain what SASSA status pending is, how it is applied, and the time it takes to be approved.

Understanding “SASSA Status Pending”.

SASSA status pending indicates that SASSA has received your application, but still needs to review it and verify its validity before it can be approved. SASSA will need to verify your financial and government records including your citizenship, identity, and financial status to determine if you qualify for the grant. This does not mean that your application has been rejected. It just means that SASSA requires more time to review the application before it can be approved or denied.

sassa status pending for how long

After your application has been approved or rejected, you will be notified. You will be asked for your bank account details if you are approved. If your application is rejected, you will receive the reasons why.

Reasons why your status is still pending

There are several reasons why your application has not been processed. The high volume of SASSA applications is one of the major reasons. Your application may be behind the queue of thousands. SASSA manually checks every application. This is a lengthy process.

SASSA checks the application against several databases before approving it. The main databases that SASSA checks against include:

  • Department of Home Affairs Verification: Firstly, they check your ID number with the Department of Home Affairs database. This is to ensure that you are registered as a South African, permanent resident, or refugee with the DHA, and to verify your personal details.
  • South African Revenue Services Check: The check also verifies your financial status and income by comparing your ID with South African Revenue Services. This ensures you meet the criteria for eligibility: You must be unemployed, and you cannot receive any social grants.
  • Unemployment Insurance Fund Check: SASSA will also check your Unemployment Insurance Fund to ensure that you do not receive any unemployment benefits.
  • NSFAS funds verification: Your ID is checked against the National Student Financial Aid Scheme database (NSFAS), to verify that you do not receive any student financial assistance.

SASSA will also check your application against databases such as the Department of Social Development and the National Credit Regulator.

SASSA will then assess the fraud potential by analyzing the ID and your phone number using a fraud scoring system.

You should now have a better understanding of why it takes the SASSA so long to approve and verify your application. Let’s continue reading to learn more about the verification process and ways to speed it up.

How to change your status from Pending to approved

The first step is to wait for three months after submitting your grant application. Action is required if your SASSA application remains pending after 90 days.

You can speed up the application process by doing the following:

Contact SASSA by WhatsApp

You can contact SASSA by using their WhatsApp number 82 046 8553 if you want to know the status of your application. Your application ID will be needed to track your application. You may also be asked to provide your ID number to confirm that they are speaking to the grant recipient.

Call SASSA on their Toll-Free Number

You can call the SASSA Call Center at 0800-60 10 11 to find out the status of your application and why it is delayed. You will be asked to confirm your identity using your ID number and Application ID. After verification, you will be informed of the reason for your application and its current status.

Ask Your Local SASSA Office Why Your Application Is Pending

You can also visit the SASSA local office to speak with a representative and find out the latest status of your application. You may be asked to provide your ID documents and the application ID. They will update you on the status of your request and explain why it’s still pending after verification.

How long does it take for a product to be approved?

Approval of your SASSA application could take up to 90 working days. It depends on how many applications they receive, and all the other verification processes that we have discussed. If you still haven’t received a response from SASSA after 90 days then follow the steps above to receive a quick status update.

Tips on how to avoid a longer status Pending wait

Your actions can also cause a delay in your application. Follow these best practices to avoid longer delays with your application.

  • Complete the Application: The application must be submitted with all information. SASSA may ask you to complete the form if you have not signed it or if you have provided incomplete information. This will make the verification process take longer.
  • Avoid Incorrect Info: Do not provide incorrect info if it was a mistake or if the intention is to commit fraud. This can delay the verification of your application as SASSA will find it difficult to verify. Incorrect information can lead to legal action and application rejection.
  • Provide All Documents Required: Please provide all documents required. If you don’t provide all of the required documents, SASSA may ask for additional documentation, which could delay the verification process.

You can speed up the application process by following these guidelines. This will minimize any delays on your part. SASSA can then focus on the verification process and approve your application quickly.

To keep up to date with the status of your application, you should check it frequently.


In conclusion, a pending SASSA status doesn’t mean rejection. The SASSA receives a high volume of applications which can cause delays. This status indicates that SASSA has not yet reviewed your eligibility. The process includes multiple checks and verifying. If you don’t receive an update in 90 days, please contact SASSA via WhatsApp, the Toll-Free Number, or by visiting your local office. Following these steps and being patient will help you receive your SASSA grant.


If you see the “SASSA Status Pending”, this simply means that SASSA has received your application and is reviewing it before it can be approved. This does not mean that your application has been rejected. It simply means that SASSA requires more time to verify if you qualify for the grant.

Delays in processing your application can be caused by several factors. The main reason is that SASSA receives a large number of applications, which causes your application to fall behind the queue.

Another reason for the delay is that SASSA checks your personal information, eligibility criteria, and other government databases to verify your information.

SASSA grant applications are processed at different speeds depending on what type of grant they are. SASSA applications can take up to 90 working days to be approved. Processing times may vary depending on the number of SASSA applications received, and other factors such as checking your information with government databases.

If you still haven’t heard back from SASSA after 90 days then contact them via WhatsApp, Toll-Free Number, or visit their local office.

A “SASSA Status Pending”, however, does not mean that your application has been rejected. This means that SASSA is reviewing and verifying your application. This process is lengthy and involves several checks and verifications to determine whether you are eligible for the grant.